77 Of 261: 800 Pounds

1 min read
Dec 22, 2022 12:00:00 AM

77 Of 261: 800 Pounds

261 leadership lesson reminder Dec 22, 2022
77 of 261 Banner


Reality check from my friend and coach, John Ott:

Your words weigh 800 pounds for the people you lead. 

  • As a leader / owner / founder / whatever title you place on your authority...
  • As a seasoned professional... 
  • As a decision maker... 
  • As a dominant personality... 
  • As someone who is comfortable with conflict and challenge... 

You carry immense power in the room.

Your power is felt by the people you lead. 

Use that power in a way that creates dignity. 



(Sent out Thursday, April 21, 2022)

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