Coaching with System & Soul

Increase Your Impact as a System & Soul Coach

We help high-capacity leaders become exceptional business coaches.
With the System & Soul™ Coaching Framework, you can build a practice that creates substantial income and delivers sustained impact.
A New Approach to Coaching Businesses

Coaching Made for Renegade-Leaders

Your call to coaching is unique.

  • You love solving complex problems.
  • You love being a catalyst for meaningful conversations.
  • You love helping other leaders win in ways they didn't know they could.

Great coaches should be backed by a great framework that makes their work fun, flexible, and fearless.

Often, though, coaching independently can lead to:

  • getting overwhelmed by the amount of time needed to create and curate a coaching plan rather than actually coaching clients
  • getting stuck in highly regulated coaching programs that limit your ability to deliver your own custom program
  • feeling on an island without a community of peers or proper feedback loops to keep growing and developing
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The System & Soul Coaching Program

Reliable Tools, Holistic Approach

Training in a proven set of tools that uniquely offers a blend of operational systems, leadership, and people development resources. We believe you can't just tackle systematic symptoms to get sustained results. System + Soul = Breakthrough

Flexibility & Freedom

Get equipped with a foundational framework that serves businesses well and offers you, as a coach, the freedom and flexibility to bring your clients the tools and conversations they need most. We trust the coaches on our team to be the best advocates for their clients' needs. We give you the foundation, and you help them build their dream.

Long-term Engagements x Multiplied Impact

Build long-term relationships with your clients. Multiply your impact by working with leadership teams in an ongoing relationship that evolves with their needs.

Enjoy complete support for your practice.

Less time stuck at your desk. More time in front of your clients.

How it works

Our process for training and certifying coaches.


Application and Interview

Complete our brief coaching application. We will review it and schedule a meeting with you to discuss your experience, and goals to determine if we see a mutual fit for you and our team.

Determine fit


Training Prep

If we discover a mutual fit and you're ready to work with us, we'll book your training date and begin onboarding. The onboarding process includes:

  • paying a deposit to hold your spot
  • receiving a coach onboarding kit
  • receiving access to all digital tools, materials, and video content
  • introduction to the greater System & Soul Coach community
  • pre-work on foundational tools to get you ready for training
Book Training
Pay Deposit
Onboarding ASAP



Our trainings take place in person in Atlanta, GA, over 2.5 days. We hold these trainings approximately four times a year. 

The training fee is $10,000 (one-time fee).

Over the 2.5 days we are together, we will teach the foundational tools in our framework (both on the systems and soul sides). 

We will also spend time helping you develop a plan of action to launch or grow your practice and determine your unique message for your market.

Meals and materials provided on-site

Learn Foundational Tools
Create Your Message
Build Launch Plan


Launch & Grow

Once you complete training, you will be an active System & Soul Coach and can begin building your practice or expanding your existing client relationships.

Leaving training, you will have a 90-day Sprint planned to guide you as you go. 

All coaches receive ongoing support through our private Slack channels, weekly live calls, and quarterly events.

You'll also have access to any and all new resources we develop to use with your clients ongoing.

All coaches are required to pay a $495/month fee to remain active in our community and continue licensing our content.

Work Your Plan
Book Clients
Create Impact

So, am I a FIT?

Is coaching with System & Soul right for you? Who are we looking for to join our team? Individuals who:

  • Are on their own personal journey to becoming more inwardly sound and others focused
  • Think strategically 
  • Communicate effectively
  • Are driven to build a stand-alone practice and embrace the entrepreneurial journey to get there

And have experience as an:

  • Entrepreneur or senior leader
  • Consultant looking to expand their offering/offer a more holistic service
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What our coaches are saying

jonathan king

Jonathan King

"All of these business frameworks focus on the structure side, but they’re really missing the soul piece. That’s where System & Soul creates the most value and where the power and the real magic happens..."

tonia butterworth

Tonia Butterworth

"Becoming a System & Soul Certified Coach has been an exhilarating journey of discovery and growth. The emphasis on putting people and their dignity first has resonated deeply with me, fostering a coaching practice beyond mere strategy and profit margins. I highly recommend this certification for anyone seeking a powerful approach that seamlessly combines the system with the soul of a business."

kenny lange

Kenny Lange

"I chose to become an S2 coach because it connected with how I led in my own company and other organizations I have been a part of. It has allowed me to bring a kind of good into the world through organizations and for my family that otherwise didn't seem possible."

robin phelps-raymond

Robin Phelps-Raymond

"The decision to go all-in with S2 was because the framework integrates the culture with the system. There are LOTS of other systems frameworks, but no one I saw with the culture part integrated AND with the vision for how to continue to grow the framework over time."

eric jones

Eric Jones

"When people show interest in becoming a coach for System & Soul, I tell them that being a coach is just as amazing as a company that implements System & Soul. Why? Because the SOUL is what makes everything thrive. Thanks for building a soul-first company!"

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Zachary Montroy

"Making the choice to build our consultancy around System and Soul was easy. There's no other operating system for small businesses that combines both the accountability of strong systems and a deep orientation to build the business on the foundation of healthy people and culture tools. We've seen amazing results for our clients using System and Soul and we value continued iteration and creation of new tools in the S2 toolbox to help us as coaches."

Curious about System & Soul Coaching?
Download an overview of our program
Explore the details
Apply for training
Make the leap
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