Keep track of it all, and keep your team connected.

Welcome to S2 Sync™, the app for businesses running on System & Soul.





You need one place where all of your leaders
can manage the day-to-day and the big picture.

No matter the size of your organization, leaders often struggle with aligning objectives, having visibility into other departments, and holding each other accountable. Disparate systems, apps, or spreadsheets frequently cause confusion and frustration.

At System & Soul, we recognize that business processes and culture are interconnected. We developed a proven framework to help your leadership team define objectives, assign them to stakeholders, and take action.

With S2 Sync, System & Soul offers a customizable platform for tracking, storing, and collaborating on the framework. Our app provides a powerful dashboard to manage meeting agendas, tasks, metrics, and more.


Take a peek.... we know you'll like it 😉

The System & Soul framework at your fingertips 🙌

It should be easy to stay in sync with from the long-term vision all the way down to what's happening this week. You should be able to have it all at your fingertips, in your browser—and available anywhere you go.

S2 Sync gives you the ease of running meetings, tracking your company scoreboard, and marking progress toward big objectives. Everything you keep in your head and on messy spreadsheets has a place. in the S2 Sync platform.

Equip your team with a system.

Manage objectives, measure what matters, and track weekly actions.

Easily track and assign Quarterly Objectives, key metrics, and weekly meeting notes and actions within the app. Know how you're performing and what roadblocks need to be removed, and align the team around what activities matter the most.

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Care for the soul.

Help your leaders keep growing and stay healthy.

Getting work done is half the job. Caring for the individuals on our teams is the other. You need a simple way to keep up with individual contributions, culture fit, dreams, aspirations, and compensation conversations.

We've designed S2 Sync to offer a personal road map for every team member and a place for you to hold your "Healthy F.I.T." conversations on an ongoing basis.

Never miss a beat. Inside the app you can...

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🔨 Build out your long-term vision in the S2 Road Map
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📊 Track weekly and monthly KPIs for teams and individual team members on your custom Scoreboard
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✍️ Organize and outline Quarterly Objectives with all the important details
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🙋‍♂️ Assign on-going actions, track due dates, and get the right things done
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❗ Keep a list of all the roadblocks, opportunities, and updates you need to discuss in team meetings
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💙 Dignify the individuals on your team by understanding their personal Road Map, and helping them stay growing and healthy with Healthy F.I.T. Conversations and Personal Road Map.

How much does it cost?

We offer a simple, tiered pricing structure that allows you to start using the app with a leadership or executive team, then expand use overtime as you continue to implement the framework in the organzation.

All-inclusive team access
/month (up to 6 users)
Base price of $90/month + per user price for additional seats ($9 per additional seat up to 25, $6 per seat >25 users)
Up to 6 user seats
Company Road Map
Org Chart access
Scoreboard access
Opportunities List
Objectives access
Actions assignments and tracking
Meeting templates
Healthy F.I.T. Conversations / Personal Road Map
Base price of $90/month + per user price for additional seats ($9 per additional seat up to 25, $6 per seat >25 users)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who in my company should have access to the app?
It all starts with the leadership team.

Typically a team will start by adding the members of their leadership team and then overtime, as they implement the framework and tools with their organization, they add additional teams and users.

Can I import existing data from other systems?
Not directly but we do have options for you.

While we don't have an upload feature available in the app just yet, we can offer two solutions:

1. Our app support team will help migrate up to one calendar year's worth of data as needed.

2. Very soon we will offer an API integration with other applications through Zapier that can allow data to flow back and forth between other software systems.

Do you offer bulk discounts for large teams?

We are happy to explore a bulk discount for larger teams and organizations. Please contact with your request and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Will everyone on my team be able to view/edit information in the app?
Not quite. We encourage visibility but do provide limits to user permissions.

All users in the app will have viewing access to the data provided in the Company Road Map and Org Chart. 

Users will have Team specific permissions for the Scoreboard, Objectives, Opportunities, and Actions.

Users will have limited access to Healthy F.I.T. Conversations and Personal Road Maps. Leaders of teams or departments will have access to users that directly report to them (based on the Org Chart). Users also can  provide permission to others who are not their dept head or leader.

Will my coach have access?
Yes, and they will not count toward your paid-user count.

You can add your coach as a complimentary user to your account so that they can help you with account setup, review your data, and provide a level of accountability between sessions.

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