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5 Types of Opportunities and Obstacles

261 cadence Jul 27, 2022

Ever been working with your team through an idea or obstacle, but you get lost in what you're really trying to solve? 

Often we get wrapped up in the context of the opportunity or obstacle at hand and don't stop to clarify what the real problem or possibility is.

Here's 5 ways I categorize opportunities and obstacles before trying to solve them.

  1. Awareness: Nothing to do, solve, or even talk about - I just needed to let you know.
  2. Future: Not something to solve now. Save it on a list and check quarterly to see if it becomes relevant.
  3. People: Related to a person performing a function. Test them against Healthy F.I.T.
  4. Analyze: We don’t really know what the opportunity is. We need to investigate or gather more information.
  5. Design: These conversations have big, overarching implications. We may have designed a system or process incorrectly, inadequately, or without strategic consideration. We may also have fallen short in our training on the design.

Knowing what you’re trying to solve will help you focus the conversation on the outcome.


P.S. System & Soul has an app that uses these 5 types to categorize Opportunities and Obstacles in a list and review them with your team on a weekly basis. Try it for yourself.

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