104 Of 261: New Tool To Help You Maximize Your Time - Try It Here

1 min read
Dec 22, 2022 12:00:00 AM

104 Of 261: New Tool To Help You Maximize Your Time - Try It Here

261 action advice leadership question Dec 22, 2022
104 of 261 Banner


There's no doubt you work really hard.

But the question you might carry in the back of your mind is, "Am I working on the right things?"

Winning your time back to work on the right things feels impossible, especially in a small business with limited resources.

I've totally been there myself.

That's why I built a free tool to help you start leveraging your time for the things that matter—the right things.

It's called Leverage. It's super easy to use (and actually kinda fun). Check it out here



(Sent out Tuesday, May 31, 2022)

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